
Showing posts from December, 2010

My heart felt this . . . .

College life at its Ends!! Interview is "ON" Interrupts are "OFF" Tides had gone!! Ties Have come!! Resting period has ended Responsibilities befriended!! Scoring -A Child's Play Sustaining -A Big Deal.. Willl our dreams - Fly in air? or Burn in fire?? Days 've gone.. Muddling memories 've ended.. Mind boggling matters 've started! Standing there are... Shoulders frustrated by Victories .. Longing here are ppl-whose life is intricate... Here We re ... At our battlefield.. With our POTENTIAL as weapons .. and CONFIDENCE as crowns...!! Lets Envision...! ! ! ! Lets hope...! ! ! ! Lets cope..... Let the Arrogance Abscond,, Truculence transcend. with Silence Stiching our souls and Stretching our goals... Towards the So called destiny...!! without a mutiny..!! Pray the LORD.. Take the SWORD...! Shatter all mystery &Create a new History!! ALL THE BEST DEAR FRNZZ!!

Will , "Will" ...make you ??

........ Life is until, you have the will . . .  Keep Your Soul Chill ! ! When sorrows drill. . .  &When Health  goes ill His words are pill , Letting me Stand Still &Taking me top hill. . .  I've to pay a bill, ,  or rather fulfill- his  Expectations ... and Affectations.... that are ever my Daffodils...... My Daffodils............ ....

Jus a little difference !!

Be an Example Not an Exception !!


Amorphous persons are Not worth Living  ! ! !

Do You Accept?

 A girl is married to a mobile before she is married to a man!!

The identity we stick on!!

The list of Invertebrates begins with Homo Sapiens LACKING " IDENTITY "

Think different

Call It not A Solitude !!! For it's the Silent state of mind that Ameliorates your thinking