The new face/phase of August
Oh, I was sitting on the most comforting sofa of my new house in Mumbai and looked outside the window. Our window is too big to be called a mere window, it's more than a door, at times door to the outside world we are all so wanting to go…. It’s the most underrated place as many don’t know the value and magic it possesses. The fluffy pillow, the bouncing to gravity softy sofa, the newly bought plant that blossoms on your face saying you a mandatory hello even if you don’t want to..the aroma from it that mixes with your lovely ambiance making it the most wanted place… All of it just makes this one little-underrated corner of the room, the USP instead… Put some nice piano music in Spotify, plug your headset in, settle there, and get lost forever!! For its pure bliss !! All those things entangled in your mind for so long would start unspinning , the world that meant nothing to you till then would start making sense, you start to see the real world, you see it for it ...