It was a fuzzy morning that flashed some sparks in the class of "YELLOWS" ....
*Snaps taken at every Corner,,
*Electronic Equipments that are Often Hidden and  Masqueraded ...Are the so called  reminiscences...
The lustrous  rings and well furnished bracelets shining like moon, made them UNIQUE amidst a million others..
The hair -Fussed ever ,,,but tied today are worth Re-telling.........
& So the souls that stood agape at the stupendous appearance of those chicks,,,
Assualting the Warnings and belittling the cautions , ..they sauntered at the sunny corridors of sara,,Like a lionness  in herds, smiling and grinning at the adonis there.
While Some pedagogues gazed and some seemed happy ,,this SineCure CS Stood High like a flag tied high....
Came there the head ,scolding the rest for their Accoutre..
like a  Street dog wetting the flag stand...irrespective of which we amble and ramble...
dawdle and doodle...........
"Damn it " , Said one soul...
"Screw her" ,Said another...
"WHO CARES ??" Mused ma conscience.......
We, thou -Otiose,,wil be in cluster or in masse ,..maintaining the geth...assualting the head ....proving the unity till the very end of this coll life


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