Unfriend to Befriend

"The story of how my Unfriending someone made them befriend the important part of life "

Kissan, believes - "we believe that happy childhoods are best nurtured by true friendship and an environment that’s 100% real."

What kissan believes is cent percent true ,  happy childhood is nothing but a marriage between your affable community and aesthetically lovable arena.

Ever had a day where you had thought about your own childhood and felt blissful ?

If there was one such day in your life, I’m pretty sure at least one scene in that virtual memoir would be connected to nature.

It was one Sunny Day when Allwin, that little kid who would really suit to my phrase “guy-next-door” entered our expanse. He was at his kinder garten when their family shifted to our colony. 

Having an empty street that had nothing but few grasses that which our landlord desperately brought from some shop selling artificial grasses, me and that little kid Allwin , had nothing to play on, no place to crawl upon.

So we just did something which today , gives me the best of memoirs , and him , the best of lessons. 

Everyday after quickly having our evening snacks me and Allwin used to ride our bicycles to one park which is few kms away from our houses. Instead of saying “riding our bicycles” I would rather say Allwin would be in my bicycle pillion and I would stamp or push that bicycle pedals with full breath just to make a movement out of that bicycle. I was in my fifth stds that time and he was in kinder-garten. We would reach the park so early and all that Allwin and I would do is not- playing in tire swings, nor is going high low in that see saws or those slides… 

We would just roam around and roam around just to find those little little butterflies flying here and there in the park. With so much of cautiousness ,  I would catch a butterfly and put them safe in my pocket, eventually the next butterfly would come and sit on the same flower, and there I would go with one more butterfly…:-P Poor you !! Fallling in same pit !!"

East or west , north or south – our eyes would search faster than a Google could and I would say in half a minute we would have half the butterflies in that park.

But what Allwin did really makes me think of him even today. Something weird, something unpleasant. It’s been 20 years , still I cant help but remember that day, that weird moment. Now we have this unsaid custom in our place, if you have some one younger than you, the priorities and stuffs goes to them , so having some little kinder-gardener next to me, all that I did was presenting the butterflies I caught to him. It would seem no big deal today. But that time, having carefully caught all butterflies one by one , presenting them all to someone really means a lot. I gave a lot of yellow butterflies to him and what Allwin did was –
Tear them.


Someone is tearing butterflies!!! Oh Please !!! No!!!! I would strictly oppose it !!!

Who will ever do that …. The kid did….. and I just had to , just had to slap him, beat him or warn him…whatever,,,whatever that could stop him from doing that from then….

I slapped him straight on his face .

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! “ he started crying an ran all the away to his house. But really , that was the moment I didn’t feel bad for someone crying.

Candidly, no one could stand when somebody hurts nature , so there I was in the same roof of 

Might seem kiddish ! Coz post that fight he didn’t talk to me for long. “For ages” I would say. Our postal addresses changed , our ages ran, we didn’t have big contacts only. No facebook or orkut existed then.
And one fine day , someone kept some neatly wrapped presents in front of my house, and when I went and opened , it was a beautiful amazing lovely cute parrot !!!
I was dumbstruck , Had a question on my mind on who would be the sender. I checked the parrot seriously than the notes for it.I then found a small paper note that read this six letters : A-L-L-W-I-N
Allwin???? He is here ???You are back???? I was shockingly stupefied just seeing the name and that’s when he rang , the little bicycle bell !!



“You are in here!!! My goshhhh !!”

Was so happy that time and he was back. We were back I would state. The same olden golden days came back.

Today he is a college student and, he still gives me updates on how great his campus looks, the nature , the birds, the swans ,,, how awesome they all look when put together….

 And reminds me of those butterflies that once he thought he could simply tear … and now, today he is more like a Aviphile (“Lover of Birds”)

He grows all those love birds, parrot, pigeon, Mynas and cockatiels even.

Late but not too late , seeing the so seeming oceanic change,  I just asked , 
“ Since when the kinder-garden started liking birds and animals???
He said ,
Since someone slapped me red !!


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