go 'FOR' a CODE....Not BEHIND it..

Came there the E-cards..
But craze for Greeting cards Stands still...
Came there the E-frnzz @ our FB and Orkut...
But the real ones rubbing shoulders with 're Ever lasting
Days have gone...
Epapers??- Round the corner..!!
NewsPapers??-gone Obsolete..!!
Days getting fragile..
House and life getting brittle ...
May be, i cud augur well of the-
MECHANICAL or materialistic world we gonna live in..
Its neither a Wonder nor a Himalayan blunder
if ppl
Start seeking E-mothers and E-grand mothers On-LINE
Its the NET that's wide-spread ,open & free,
Nor like our hearts ...
and attitudes narrowed by ego and lack of altruism...
Search for everything ,
Except the lost identity...
Copy Paste Everything
Except the Broken hearts..!!!
Can the Blue Sky Puffed by WHITE clouds..
& the dark night sequined with constellations
Be seen through the Windows (7)???
Can the Cool Breeze dumping our ears
& the dusty air blurring our vision ..
be felt through it???
"CODE" is just a part of life..
that a man makes..
And NOT a Cobweb that engulfs the entire world within..
Addiction ll screw a soul..
Prediction of this cud save 1000 souls...


  1. wow thats cool....thats more like the story of the internet in poetry ...sad but true....internet has become one irreplaceable factor of our life but we can replace anything in life for it...thanks for sharing...I'm following you now you can visit me too http://autom-atic.blogspot.com/

  2. @bhavna : Yea. its the state today.
    @shree :Thanks for that

  3. wooooo...simply appreciate d composition n d idea also....great work :) :)....


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