DEIVATHIRUMAGAL -the numero uno

As every other Indian theatre begins their show, this so-called-theatre-of-my-city, overwhelmed with hoi polloi, casted the new film-‘deivathirumagal’.
Cluster of chums gossiping ,
teens pushing and rushing in the line to grab their tickets,
dozen of couples glancing and romancing for every two minute…. and
million others leaning and resting on the higgledy-piggledy parked vehicles
made the board – “HOUSEFULL” hang on the walls of entrance in no minute..
Wonder if , only the theatre is “ Houseful “,,     
Our hearts were full of joy ,
eyes were full of expectations,
Air was full of sweet aroma ,
Like the theatre was full of ppl..
Everything was going fine
as none predicted,
Eyes will be full of tears !
  Once film is done!!

Everyone was ransacking thro the narrow passage of the newly renovated theatre just like me ,
Holding our tickets between the fingers!!!
Every soul entered with some expectations and some plans..
A kid screamed in ecstasy “Ayya, amma, theatre kulla vanthaachu
College guys-“Machi, inniku oru kalakku kalakurom da.. Moochu vidromo illayo, whistle a vittu thalrom..”
And couple-“……………………………….............………” ( How they’ll talk while Romancing )
As long as ,
Lights were glowing
Whistles kept jarring!!
When Darkness prevailed
Silence Sustained!!
The stream of seats behind ours were occupied by barbaric clusters who entered like ministers.
I feared their spontaneous squalls and ear-wrenching voices ,would refrain us from enjoying the movie..
As you know,
Every guy/gal is silent grain in solitude!
But once they group, the rest ll droop !!

But that’s were twist lied....
Once the film started ,
In the place of loud noise,
what stayed was- serene smiles
Scenes made ,

barbarians bathetic!
Hand-kerchiefs and tissue papers got immersed in the well of tears!
Instead of whistling ,
they were clapping
until hands got red
 like that of their eyes !!

   I'd say ,
 It's the "MAKING of deivathirumagal"
that brought golden medals
For the actors done well
& The virtual love
that brought broken hearts
Closer altogether
Like never ever!!
Gandhi is symbol of peace,
I'd say  Devathirumagal is -symbol of love!



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